Redefining CyberSecurity

The Playbook To Defend Against Aggressive Cyber Ops: Preparing For A Cyber Crisis As The Crisis Strikes | Redefining CyberSecurity With Mick Douglas

Episode Summary

There's a cyber crisis brewing. Not the first. Definitely not the last. But current. Here's some advice as seen on social media (paraphrased)... "take your years of strategizing, planning, budgeting, staffing, and procuring … and do it all within a few days." How is that helpful?

Episode Notes

There's a cyber crisis brewing. Not the first. Definitely not the last. But current. Here's some advice as seen on social media (paraphrased)... "take your years of strategizing, planning, budgeting, staffing, and procuring … and do it all within a few days." 

How is that helpful?

It isn't. It could actually be counter-productive.

With the rising concerns over the growing threat of cyberattacks from well-funded, highly-skilled, and aggressively-motivated bad actors, there's been a mad rush for offerings of advice and products and services from all around the web. While the intentions may be good, the expected outcomes may not match reality in some cases.

That's where the post I saw from Mick Douglas comes in ... a post of organized thoughts with actionable steps organizations can consider given their day-to-day playbook probably isn't going to hold to the intensity of a widespread cyber attack. There's a lot in the thread; we cover a good portion of it, but not all of it. There's also some discussion outside of the original post to help frame the conversation.



Mick Douglas
InfoSec Innovations | SANS Principal Instructor | IANS Faculty
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